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AIR Airport
AITCH Aitchison Residence Hall
ALUM Alumni Chapel, formerly Alumni Hall
BFC Babka Flight Operations Center (Airport)
BLADE Blades Hall
CASS Cassat Residence Hall
CH Chlapaty Hall
CRWC Chlapaty Recreation & Wellness Center
DONN Donnell Residence Hall
FLCTR Flight Operations Center
HRTG Heritage Center
LIBR Charles C. Myers Library
MBIR Mercer-Birmingham Hall
MCCOR     McCormick Gymnasium
MTAC Charles & Romona Myers Center
PETE Peters Commons
PARKV Park Village Apartments
SEVER Severance Hall
SMITH Smith Hall
STOLT Stoltz Sports Center
SWC Peter and Susan Smith Welcome Center
TECH Jackaline Baldwin Dunlap Technology Center
USC University Science Center
VANV Van Vliet Hall
VMTC Veterans Memorial Training Center